Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Before The Parade Passes By

As I approach the next year of my life, it has got me thinking about, well just that, LIFE! There has been so many things that I have seen, read about, heard about, dreamt about that I have wanted to experience in my life. Let's make a list shall we

-Live in New York (check!)
-Be a mermaid (this one was back when I was 5, but it still would be very cool, and hey! you never know with all the advances in science)
-Be in every ocean at least once in my life
-Hug a panda bear
-Meet an elephant
-Learn to surf (attempted and failed)
-Travel to the following places: Paris, Italy, Greece (specifically Santorini), India, Indonesia, Australia, Iceland, Poland, Fiji, India, Mongolia, Thailand, Patagonia, Barcelona...and many more
-Learn to speak other languages
-Become a photographer
-Design a dress
-Meet Bill Murray, and somehow prove we are related
-Work in a bakery (don't ask me why)
-Learn to play either the ukulele or bongos
-Be about 5 inches taller
-Live on a beach
-Go to a dance-off (possibly participate depending on the skill level)
-Be pulled up on stage at a concert, and NOT make a fool of myself
-Be part of a flash mob (not what it sounds like)
-Have a karaoke duel with Jimmy Fallon
-Befriend someone with the name McGuire (has to be 1st name)
-Get an English Bulldog (name-pending)
-Serve in a foreign country

....and the list goes on..

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Great list!

    Wouldn't it be great to work in a bakery on the Frech coast of the Mediterranean and after work, French boys taught you how to surf?

    It could happen!!
