Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rituals of the Animal Kingdom

Birds are stupid. I do not like them. They are not to be trusted. Anyone who has a bird for a pet is not my friend. You never know when they might just up and decide to attack you, and they are well prepared because they were made with tiny swords built right onto their faces. And HELLO?!?! They can freakin' fly! Which to us humans means they can stab us and fly away and how ever would we catch them?!?! I do not see the purpose of birds. As a very sensible person (see previous post) said once, "Robins are nothing but a bunch of red-breasted sluts!" And I think we can all agree on that.

Today I observed these dumb creatures while I amazingly enough had a few hours this afternoon after work completely free. I had no pressing things that needed to be done, no appointments to make, no rushing all over the place, it was great! I took that time to go to one of my favorite places on this planet (Brooklyn Promenade) and to lose myself in Jane Austen's Emma, as I am reading this to become a more refined, poised, wise lady;) And it was there as I was throughly engrossed with the dialogue between Ms. Woodhouse and Mr. Knightley and arguing who is more stubborn, and who is right and wrong, and anticipating the moment when they will finally realize they are a perfect match, that I was rudely interrupted by birds, to be more specific: the lowest level of this species, the pigeon.

And what, you might ask, was this dumb guy all in a tizzy over? Food, what else. But the thing is, I did not see any food on the ground. Truthfully I think he was picking up bits of dirt, and rocks, spitting them back out, searching out another area of grossness, and then back again to the same dirt and rocks, forgetting that he already tried those. Mind you, there was a few kernels of popcorn lying on the ground easily 6 feet away. But do you think the dumb thing saw that? Nope. Instead he wanted to continue to sift through the garbage that was right under my feet. Of course there were times when I just had enough and I would kick my foot, shoo him with my book and this would give me maybe 2 minutes of peace, before he was right back again. And I'm sure in his little pea size brain, each time he came back he probably thought he hit the jack pot of food possibilities, forgetting that he already tried that piece of poop, and again it was not a raisin, it was still in fact, a piece of poop. Maybe if you try it again it will be food this time, oh hey wait.....nope still poop. At that point I had completely lost my concentration in my book, I mean how can you become more refined and delicate when a pest is trying to eat dog feces and spitting it back out again so deathly close to your toes? Emma would have it no such way!

Then, enter stage right, a female shows up. She flew in, I imagine, searching for the same thing that I was there for. To just relax, people watch, catch up on her reading, and catch a little sun. She was so quiet, refined even, compared to the rest of her species. And wouldn't you know it, the dumb guy, who was all about eating fecal matter, suddenly forgot what he was even doing and decided to put on a show for the lady. I mean, in his mind that is what she was there for right? Why else would she come over here? To be left alone and just chill? NO WAY! She spotted me and my amazing skills in seeking out food and decided to come in closer for a better look at the goods! This guy changed so fast that I almost forgot it was the same bird. He puffed out his chest real big, started letting out the real deep coo, and drew back his wings, and dropped his tail so low that it was dragging on the ground, and started circling her. She ignored this at first. I think she was probably just hoping he would take the hint and leave. But no. The dumb guy just kept on. So then she, being the smart one. noticed the popcorn and went over the nibble on that. And he was on her tail the whole time, nagging and bothering her. He was trying to "pimp walk" and trying to make those coos a deep, sexy growl to get her attention. She was not having it. She just gave him this look that was in bird language "Nah, dude! Not happening!" But he really thought he was something. He would not leave her alone. Thinking he was "the cat's meow!" And she would be so lucky to get with me! Straight stud! He dropped his tail even lower and started circling even faster, to the point that his tail essentially became a broom, sweeping up all the crap that he attempted to eat a few minutes ago. And then, very elegantly she flew away, finally having enough of that circus show.

Dumb boy kinda just sat there for a little bit. Completely motionless. Then he shook himself off, going back to looking like he did when he first entered my life. Took a look around, and then thought, "Oh hey! Look a raisin!" It was at that moment that I thought how rituals of these creatures are not too different from those of the human species.

Fellas, and don't take this the wrong way, but some times you are pretty stupid. You don't learn from somebody telling you. You have to learn from trial and error, you have to actually experience something, even at times multiple times over. And why is it that you can rarely do more than 1 thing at a time? So easily distractible you are too. I mean, I get sidetracked pretty frequently, but you guys get completely off course, coming to a complete stop. How quickly you forget what it was that you were just thinking, saying, doing, all of the above. And heaven forbid you throw a girl into the mix, forget it! Your toast! That's it. Dunzo! Guys have this alter ego that they put on when the ladies are around. Some times it is down right laughable. Just like the dumb bird and his instant transformation, guys try to appear tougher, try to use all their best lines, and try to layer the swag on really thick. And you are persistent if nothing else. However, you cannot take a hint. Whether it is a hint where she is letting you know to back the (beep) off! Or, the hint where she is intrigued by you, and wants to know more. Both is lost on you. Instead you try to keep up your "cool guy" routine ignoring all signals that indicate whether she is interested or not. And some times dudes, just some times, girls want to be left alone. She came to the park to just be alone with her and her thoughts, not for you to try and get your mack on! But how resilient you are too. I have to hand you your props for that. You shake that dust off your feet after a rejection and you don't really seem to let it bother you a whole lot. However, why is the guys that are so strange (i.e. the dumb bird eating doo-doo) are the only ones who seem to be around and available, and not ashamed enough to try and pick a girl up? Seriously, where have all the good guys gone? It's looking like if a girl wants to get married, she will have to settle for a dudemeister, who wears his pants super low, and has tasted poop willingly....more than once. Sigh.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Ode To Jimmy Fallon

Let me count all the ways that I adore that man! Well, actually, now that I am thinking of it, they may be too numerous to count. But alas I shall try! I feel it is necessary too, because my man gets a lot of slack from some critics who thinks he is "not funny" or "too giggly". And to that I say, pppppsssshhhhhhh! I thoroughly enjoy stupid humor. If you don't, then you don't have to watch it. And you for sure don't have to flap that mouth of yours around talking nonsense about something that is so loved by many others. I think Jimmy Fallon and I have potential to be best friends. And I stick up for my friends, so if you have a problem with him, you will have to deal with me! I may be short but I as scrappy.

First, I love how it is almost impossible for him to not crack up. He gets tickled so easily, and he lets the laughs flow freely. I think not enough people on this earth laugh as much as they should. Especially when him and Horatio Sanz would be in a skit together on SNL. You could easily anticipate a lose of composure, and that always made me laugh harder. It makes it look like they really are having fun. And isn't that what we all want? I think all those "haters" are just jealous of the fact that he has so much fun....over dumb, stupid, wonderful things! Please try to tell me that his giggles are not contagious? Go ahead, just try.

Second, all his characters. Whether he is playing a real person from the 60's, impersonation of Adam Sandler, or an obnoxious IT guy, he can do it all. The skit he does when impersonating Enrique, it is too perfect for words. Even all the little skits he does on his show now, they are all brilliant! I'm gonna actually put it on record that those skits is what I really watch his show for, not necessarily for all the celebrities. Justin Beiber, Neil Young, RHWOLN, Robert Pattison, Charlie Sheen. They have all been amazing, and if you look through my youtube history, you will see that they take up majority of the space.

Third, he is not afraid to look dumb. In fact, I think he embraces it. It is such a wonderful thing to completely liberate yourself from caring what others think about you. Yep, I am acting like an idiot, what's the big deal? It's funny! Loosen up will ya! I love how he genuinely seems to get freaked out whenever he has the animal guy on his show and he is nervous with some of them, you can almost read straight terror on his face.

So to recap: I (heart) Jimmy Fallon because when he laughs, I laugh. He is a genius at making the mundane, dull, unnecessary, unspecial things seem hilarious! And from one idiot to another, we don't care that you think we are idiots:)

If my words were not enough to convince you, below are some of the best "visual proof" for you, enjoy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles...

....or in my case this weekend, that's the way the Nutella Brownie crumbles!

Some times I even amaze myself with how I have gotten this far in life. The stupid, ridiculous, laughable, arguably unreal, irritating, and non-sensical things happen to me in abundance. I feel like Mr. Magoo, always one step ahead of the anvil dropping on me and being completely oblivious of it all. I imagine some look at me and think that the only thing going through my brain must be "ba-ba-badadum! manoma-na! ba-ba-badadum! manoma-na!" (Okay, and maybe, just maybe at times that might be the case.) This weekend was kinda heavy in the idiotic moments. However, I would like to make a defense in my case and say that it is not ALL my own doing.

Since moving to the craziness that is this city, I have become very unfamiliar with the, dare I say, "finer things in life". To do any task is complicated 10 times over in New York. Take for example doing the simple task of going to the grocery store. Hard. Have to walk however many blocks to get there, then you have to cram yourself through the tiny aisles, and try to decipher the un-organization. You also have to take into consideration, "if I buy this ice cream, will it melt by the time I get back home, it is 104 out today...." Then you have to triple bag everything (that is if you don't use reusable bags) and try to evenly disperse all the bags for your trek back home. Then you get to your door, and have to fumble for the keys, you open the door only to have it jammed with all the mail underneath, then you walk the 4 flights up to the sauna that is your apartment, and collapse on your kitchen floor, not longer having the energy or desire to cook. See? Hard. But somehow we choose to live here. I know, right?!? It amazes me too. And even sadder is after awhile you start to forget that there is an easier way. The memories of you pulling into a Kroger parking lot and taking your time in the store without 8 people breathing down your neck to get where you are, and pulling into your driveway and your brother coming out and getting the groceries....all that starts to get fuzzy. But this weekend, ah! this weekend. How I lived in the lap of luxury! (Did I even use that expression right? that even an expression?)

My good ole pal Vaydre entrusted the well being of her beloved dog, and by extension, her amazing apartment into my care for the weekend. She must have a lot of faith:) Her place is NICE. It is so nice that I manage to make myself look like a complete fool numerous times over. Starting with I could not figure how to lock the door. No laughter, please. It turns out that it is one of those fancy doors that are always locked on the outside. 15 minutes later I found that out. Then, it has been almost 2 years since I have used a dishwasher, again it took a few trial and errors to get that machine up and running. Let's not even talk about the DVD player, I am still very upset by that! Do you remember the good ole day when you just put the TV on channel 3 and the DVD player would work? What happened? Why do you suddenly need to know algorithms to watch True Grit?

They also have the world's most comfortable mattress ever! The bad thing was that I have not realized just how bad my crappy little mattress that I have been attempting to sleep on these past months has been. Then I entered in this unbelievable, dream inducing, melt every stress away you have ever had-mattress and thought I could die! I had so much to do this weekend and I didn't accomplish half of it because I could not peel myself off that mattress. I felt drugged. Even my eyes were heavy with longing for the ultra soft cloud that is the best mattress ever! If I could, I would marry that thing! And I would be the happiest girl in the whole wide world! She fell in love with a mattress.....and lived happily ever after:0)

The building is so nice that they even have a doorman! This helped me realize that I have no doorman etiquette whatsoever! Are you supposed to make conversation every time you pass them? You know like "small talk", oh brother, I am awful at small talk...."'s it going? So your a doorman huh? Do you like that job? Is it what you always wanted to be? So how bout them Mets?" It is painful. What worse is when you know they are trying not to laugh at you when you can't figure out how to open the fancy doors, and when both you and the dog get trapped in the scary revolving door and sheer and utter panic is all over your face. Or when you run into a chair in the lobby and fall over it, and make this super loud thud, and he just looks over his desk and says it disbelief "are you okay?!?" And you have to jump up and act like nothing is wrong and that you totally meant to check yourself on the chair and come crashing down everything in a 5 feet radius of you. Yep, totally meant to! Also, I felt like they were judging me. Because they know you are home. It's not like you could slip out the back door without their notice! Yes, I did sleep in that late sir. And yes, I did stay inside almost all day. What is it any of your business that I watched Wall Street 2 twice this morning, and ate almost half of the brownies I baked, and took a little nap on the equally comfortable couch? But instead when I finally did make my way out, I felt like I needed to explain myself. "I am working.....on a project....for the.......government...and it is super secret.....and requires me to seem lazy......but it is just a I am a....secret agent, yea a secret if you don't have any more questions, this secret agent needs to pick up another brownie mix!...for her super secret project..for the government!" Someone should write a book on how to interact with the doorman, and call it, The Guide To Opening Doors and People: How To Have An Un-Awkward Relationship With Your Doorman. I would read that, and make notes in the margin!

Next and finally, and this one amazed me too, I got locked out on their balcony. Well Riley (dog), Kia (friend), and I, stuck on the balcony. And here is the kicker, neither Kia or myself had a phone! What are the odds of that? I still have no idea how we got locked out! And NO ONE was on their balconies that we could call to help. We had to wait until someone was out front of the building and we started shouting. Well correction, Kia started shouting as I was too busy laughing. "HHHEEEYYYYY!!!! UP HERE! WE ARE LOCKED OUT! CAN YOU TELL THE DOORMAN!!!!" Then 15 minutes later and shouting back and forth to the doorman about not knowing what apartment number I was in, one of the maintenance people came in, shook his head, unlocked the door and walked out. I think even Riley was embarrassed. Poor pup! But the silver lining, I guess I can cross off Get Locked Out On a Roof/Balcony from my NY Bucket List!

I am back to my regular, complicated, overly stress, no frills life. Where sadly I have grown accustomed. It is so non exciting. I wanna life that Jay-Z would write a song about! HHHMmmmmmmm, the ideas are flowing.......

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


""The fabled grass on the other side—I know you think it’s greener friend, but what I really want to tell you is that if you just take a moment to indulge in your surroundings, you will be awed. The lush emerald glow will reflect upon you, and your clawing desperation to cross to the other side will fade to a memory as you become content where you are."-Kat George

Monday, July 18, 2011

Letter To An Old Friend

Dear Friend,

Boy have I been missing you! It feels like a lifetime has passed since I last saw or spoke to you. I know that there are circumstances that make communication with you a no-go at the moment, but it still doesn't mean that I do not miss you like crazy and think about you often. I do hope all is going well with you, and that you are getting back on track.

I can not tell you how many times I've gone to pick up the phone to ask if you want to go grab a drink, or if you want to go to the beach on Saturday, or to tell you the latest crazy thing my sister did, or to get your opinion on what he really meant when he said "......". I can feel a definite void in my life since you have took your leave. I know that both you and I have trouble really connecting to people, and I think that is what made our friendship so dear to me. I could count on you to help, to be a voice of reason, to make me laugh, to be adventurous, to be a friend. And, I miss all of that.

I miss being able to call you up and saying let's have a lazy day, and you would be game. I miss saying let's go on a road trip, and you would say what time? I appreciated so much you dealing with my crazy, at time selfish, overly anxious, and slightly uber critical person that I can become all too often. Life is just different without you around. Plain and simple. You are truly one of the best people I have ever known if my life, hands down!

I cannot help but to feel guilty about you. Was I there for you? Could I have done more? Should I have shown you some tough-love? Why didn't I see some warning signs earlier? Did you feel like I took people from you? If any of these things added any bit of pain to you, I am SO unbelievably sorry. The thought that I was not a good friend to you when you needed it the most it something that makes me feel sick. I have nothing else to say, but, I am sorry.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Tell Me What You Hear

It has been a while since I have talked about music. I feel like oddly enough, since I have moved to NY, I have found myself in more and more musical ruts:( So far this summer I have been listening to more classics. I'll put Miles Davis or Edith Piaf at night, that mixed with the heat, and you have a good relaxing, breezy night:)

But here are some alternatives that I have also had on repeat:

Band of Skulls- Cold Flame- took me by surprise

Sam Cooke- Lovable- can't get enough of his "swag"

Bon Iver- Can't Make You Love Me (cover)- I fell in love with his version. He is a genius!

TV On The Radio- Keep Your Heart-"Outside ecstatic love, what did we think we'd find?"

Incubus- Promises, Promises- he is SSSOOOOOO good looking

Naked and Famous- Young Blood- sounds like summer!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh, Did You See That? The Game Just Changed!

So oddly enough, I am not freaking out. YAY!
Don't get it twisted, there are plenty of things happening that could easily send me over into an all out panic induced. stressed to the max, raging zombie.....but as of yet, the coast is clear, no scary monster on the horizon. All is safe:)
Here are some of the things I should/could be freaking out over, they are as follows:
  1. My landlords are moving. It is still unknown if they are planning on selling the whole brownstone, or if they are just gonna rent out the bottom apartment. Until we know what their plans are, all of us tenants are in a bit of a limbo. And this move in happening in September, roughly 2 months away. Also, my part really depends on what my roommate decides she is going to do, since I am renting from her. So in the broadest possible terms, I could be homeless shortly. However, I am not freaking out. Honestly! I mean, I guess this isn't the first time that I have encountered a looming deadline to move. And I can't do anything to stop this from happening, right? I'm powerless, and not entirely hating it.
  2. My sister is about to pop any day now, and I am roughly 5 states away. I was there for her every step of the way with her 1st pregnancy. We're talking, I was taking her pre-natal vitamins so my Mom would think she was taking them. I would go to the store and get her In-Touch magazines and bite size Snickers. I would stay up late nights when she couldn't sleep and watch movies with her. I would help her fight with the cat when she wanted to lay down on the couch. I even lent her my shoes and jacket when she was going to the hospital, which sad to say, never were returned to me because her water broke over EVERYTHING. Gross. This time around, it is so different. I haven't even seen her pregnant. And, I don't know when I'll be able to go home next to see the bambino. Again, I can't freak out yet, the baby hasn't even been born.
  3. School is starting in a little over 2 weeks! And, as usual, I am barely prepared. I just found my letter last night. But, I am so excited. I cannot wait. I NEED it! At the same time, I know that I do not know what I'm about to get into. It's going to be a lot of work, and a lot of self-examination (frightening!)
  4. This one ties into #3. School is two weeks long. Work has been amazing enough to give me the time off for it. That being said, in realist of terms that mean 2 whole weeks without being paid. And I live in New York City. It's not cheap. I will not be getting 2 weeks free of rent. So, it is going to be tight! But, my brain is not letting me dwell on that too much. I'm being as frugal as I can now, and I know Jah will provide the rest:)
  5. My mother is a bit stressed out. And as I take on the role of her protector, I feel it is my responsibility to not let that happen. I am happy to report that this time around, even though I am concerned and of course care, I am not letting it affect my outlook at the moment.
  6. I need to have a "real" conversation with someone. Don't misunderstand, I always try to be honest, and upfront with everyone. This time however it is.....delicate? Oh, I don't know. This one I have nervous belly. Actually this out of everything is probably what I am most nervous about. It figures, the one thing that isn't necessary is what my attention is on.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"A good friend is a connection to life-a tie to the past, a rode to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insace world." - Lois Wyse

Monday, July 11, 2011

1, 2, 3, 4........

There are few things that you can count on in life. But the few that you can, make me smile. Let's talk about my family. I can count on no matter what time I was ever coming home, my great ole Dad would always be waiting up for me, no matter what. You can count on him being in the La-Z-Y Boy with the TV on and the phone right next to him. And then, as if a reflex, he will tell you to lock the door behind you. Where ever I find myself in life, I can find comfort that if I called my Dad and said that I am on my way home, he will wait up for me. Thanks Dad!

I can count on that at least once through out the day, my roommate will use the expression, "not for nothing..." And to tell you the truth, I'm not 100% positive what that even means. Is it the same thing as saying "at least...."?

I can count on that when I ask Sergio how he is doing, he will say "good, good!". And Andreas will always want to know if I had a good weekend. And that every time Dixen calls he will mis-hear me and say " Hey Samantha, this is Dixen..."

I can count on that if I make the R train that comes to my stop at 8:06, it will be the train with the conductor who is so Brooklyn. "Stand clear of da closing doors, DeKalb next......Borough Hall...." And, I have a bit of a voice crush on him.

I can count on myself making myself look like a complete idiot in front of Jesus' (as in Jose', not Son of God). He is just so professional and straight laced all the time, and STRUCTURE. And I am loud, and distractable, and constantly bump into things. Why do you make me look like a fool??!?!

I will drop at least one thing every day. This fact however does NOT make me smile, it is irritating.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Houston, We Have A Problem

Some times, self awareness can be a terrible thing. I think I fall somewhere in the Animal Kingdom as a creature who enjoys attention more than affection. Oh boy, once that was said out loud it sounds horrendous! It makes me sound like a slut, which I assure you I AM NOT! Let me try to explain this quirk I have. Let me start off with the NO's. I do not try to draw all attention on to me. I dislike it when idiots think that woman were put on this earth just for you to ogle at. Which speaking of, what are the deal with guys in the summer? Girls (most anyways) wear what they do to try to stay as cool as possible, not to make you can cat call them or harass them when they are just trying to get groceries. And in these warmer months guys seem to forget that a woman is made up of more than just her butt. All there eye lines are just butts 24/7. Okay, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah. So I repeat I do NOT try to get attention like that.

I also do not flirt it up with every guy I see. Okay, I'm gonna tell you something but you have to promise not to tell anyone else. Promise? I, Amanda Kula, do not know how to flirt. (gasp!) I also usually have no concept that someone is flirting with me. At least not in that moment. A lot of times that realization comes way later. So with that said, now you know that I do not have about 5 guys I'm stringing along. I have enough friends who either have done that, or are currently doing that.

However, I do like the idea of a mutual attraction to someone. Why can't it be as simple as he likes you, and you like him? Done! Okay, what am I trying to say here? Let me put it like this: When said boy starts to change up the game, and makes it more and more obvious that he is thinking about you differently, but never actually says it, that is the "attention time" I'm talking about. All that mysterious, nervous, giddy energy but yet and still there is that comfort level there, those moments can be addictive. All those times that you know he is trying to spend as much time as possible with you, and trying to get to know as much about you as he can, and starts talking to his buds about you, and maybe even asks some of your close friends for intel-all that attention can make a person feel.....special (for the lack of a better word), and I get all wrapped up in it. But, sad to say, more often then not, when they actually step up to the plate swinging, and put it out there, that is when I fully realize that I did not really like them as much as I thought. I like the idea of them. I like the attention. But the reality is something different. And that is when I feel like a monster. Proceed to hang hand and walk sadly away while Charlie Brown music is playing.

How can I change this? Oh if only I had a fairy godmother! What's a girl to do? My sincere apologies to anyone who I have hurt during a process like the above mentioned. What can I say? I am one messed up, twisted girl with repetitive tendencies. The sad part is that I know if the roles were reversed, I would be livid! Somethings have got to change round here! Summer is the time when you shed layers and feel a renewal right? Sounds like I have a new mission, and I choose to accept it!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Something To Ponder

You may not be her first, her last, or her only.
She loved before she may love again.
But if she loves you now, what else matters?
She's not perfect, you aren't either,
and the two of you may never be perfect together
but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice,
and admit to being human and making mistakes,
hold onto her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thinking about you
every second of the day, but she will give you a part of
her that she knows you can break her heart.
So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze
and don't expect more than she can give.
Smile when she maked you happy,
let her know when she makes you mad,
and miss her when she's not there.
-Bob Marley.