Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Ode To Jimmy Fallon

Let me count all the ways that I adore that man! Well, actually, now that I am thinking of it, they may be too numerous to count. But alas I shall try! I feel it is necessary too, because my man gets a lot of slack from some critics who thinks he is "not funny" or "too giggly". And to that I say, pppppsssshhhhhhh! I thoroughly enjoy stupid humor. If you don't, then you don't have to watch it. And you for sure don't have to flap that mouth of yours around talking nonsense about something that is so loved by many others. I think Jimmy Fallon and I have potential to be best friends. And I stick up for my friends, so if you have a problem with him, you will have to deal with me! I may be short but I as scrappy.

First, I love how it is almost impossible for him to not crack up. He gets tickled so easily, and he lets the laughs flow freely. I think not enough people on this earth laugh as much as they should. Especially when him and Horatio Sanz would be in a skit together on SNL. You could easily anticipate a lose of composure, and that always made me laugh harder. It makes it look like they really are having fun. And isn't that what we all want? I think all those "haters" are just jealous of the fact that he has so much fun....over dumb, stupid, wonderful things! Please try to tell me that his giggles are not contagious? Go ahead, just try.

Second, all his characters. Whether he is playing a real person from the 60's, impersonation of Adam Sandler, or an obnoxious IT guy, he can do it all. The skit he does when impersonating Enrique, it is too perfect for words. Even all the little skits he does on his show now, they are all brilliant! I'm gonna actually put it on record that those skits is what I really watch his show for, not necessarily for all the celebrities. Justin Beiber, Neil Young, RHWOLN, Robert Pattison, Charlie Sheen. They have all been amazing, and if you look through my youtube history, you will see that they take up majority of the space.

Third, he is not afraid to look dumb. In fact, I think he embraces it. It is such a wonderful thing to completely liberate yourself from caring what others think about you. Yep, I am acting like an idiot, what's the big deal? It's funny! Loosen up will ya! I love how he genuinely seems to get freaked out whenever he has the animal guy on his show and he is nervous with some of them, you can almost read straight terror on his face.

So to recap: I (heart) Jimmy Fallon because when he laughs, I laugh. He is a genius at making the mundane, dull, unnecessary, unspecial things seem hilarious! And from one idiot to another, we don't care that you think we are idiots:)

If my words were not enough to convince you, below are some of the best "visual proof" for you, enjoy!

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