Monday, July 11, 2011

1, 2, 3, 4........

There are few things that you can count on in life. But the few that you can, make me smile. Let's talk about my family. I can count on no matter what time I was ever coming home, my great ole Dad would always be waiting up for me, no matter what. You can count on him being in the La-Z-Y Boy with the TV on and the phone right next to him. And then, as if a reflex, he will tell you to lock the door behind you. Where ever I find myself in life, I can find comfort that if I called my Dad and said that I am on my way home, he will wait up for me. Thanks Dad!

I can count on that at least once through out the day, my roommate will use the expression, "not for nothing..." And to tell you the truth, I'm not 100% positive what that even means. Is it the same thing as saying "at least...."?

I can count on that when I ask Sergio how he is doing, he will say "good, good!". And Andreas will always want to know if I had a good weekend. And that every time Dixen calls he will mis-hear me and say " Hey Samantha, this is Dixen..."

I can count on that if I make the R train that comes to my stop at 8:06, it will be the train with the conductor who is so Brooklyn. "Stand clear of da closing doors, DeKalb next......Borough Hall...." And, I have a bit of a voice crush on him.

I can count on myself making myself look like a complete idiot in front of Jesus' (as in Jose', not Son of God). He is just so professional and straight laced all the time, and STRUCTURE. And I am loud, and distractable, and constantly bump into things. Why do you make me look like a fool??!?!

I will drop at least one thing every day. This fact however does NOT make me smile, it is irritating.

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