Friday, April 1, 2011

Latest Obsessions, and How I Am Getting My Groove Back

...and by "groove" I mean, general joy and happiness in life:)

Let's start with the obsessions shall we? Photography. All I want to do lately is take pictures and look at pictures. I cannot seem to get enough. Recently a documentary of Bill Cunningham, who is a very other worldly, unique, and humble fashion photographer, came out, and I want to see it!

Next, all I want to eat is dumplings. Which, alright, in all honesty is not too much of a difference for me, but I have been discovering all these new, mega cheap places that have been filled with deliciousness in the form of pork and chive filled dough! Oh man, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Moving on to, and I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, because I feel that sadly, I have become the person that I normally would not like, but.....I cannot NOT watch American Idol this season. Sigh, I said it. I heard the first step is admittance. I blame this obsessions completely on my roommate. But, I will admit that I do hope that Casey will win, because I would go see him live. He has the rasp and roughness in his voice that attracts me like a moth to a flame! What can I say, I'm apparently a sucker for a red headed kid with a beard and a rasp!

Other random things are: green nail polish, orange juice, my new black eye liner, summer dresses, concerts (if they would stop selling out so fast!), cross word puzzles, NERTS (card game, famous in the mid-west), Istagram (iPhone app), fish fillets from Trader Joe's, Vampire Weekend, $5 album downloads from Amazon, the library..

My other SUPER ULTRA BIG obsession has been the soundtracks to Wes Anderson movies. In particular, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and The Darjeeling Limited. Top favorites have been, from Rushmore, John Lennon's Oh Yoko!, The Face's Ooh La La, The Kink's Nothing In the World Can Stop Me Worrin About My Girl. From The Life Aquatic, we have David Bowie's Life on Mars? Which oddly enough I was so frightened of him when I was younger. Then, The Zombie's The Way I Feel Inside. Then the cherry on top has been the introduction to Seu Jorge, he is a Portuguese musician who apparently recorded these songs on the boat while they were filming, so you hear the ocean and sky in the background. My favorite being Rebel Rebel. Then with The Darjeeling Limited, we have The Kink's Strangers, and Joe Dassin with Les Champs-Eylsees. I tell you what, he sure can put a good soundtrack together. And I love anyone and anything that has to do with Bill Murray!

1 comment:

  1. ...sure, blame it on your roommate, you hardcore This American Idol fan, you!
