Saturday, April 16, 2011

Truth, Reality, Pure Non-Fiction-Spread It Like Wildfire

"and if you have something to say, you better say it to me now, cause this is what you've waited for"- Glen Hasard and Markta Irglov from the song "Say It To Me Now"

Have you ever experienced the beauty of when you say the exact thing you wanted to say, the exact moment that you wanted to say it, to the exact person that you needed to say it to? That is the honest truth in it's purest form. And may I add, ridiculously satisfying!

Don't you hope that everyone would be honest and up-front in life? This whole tip toeing around, and coming up with excuses, and lying about the facts, it is so frustrating. How about you save me and you a whole mess of trouble if you just give it to me straight. Even if the truth is hard to deal with (and let's face it, more than not it is) it's still so much better than the alternative.

Not a whole lot in life is worse than when you finally discover things that happened forever ago ended up being just a bunch of lies. Especially when it involves people that you love, it feels like an ultimate betrayal. What a fool you feel like. Going along this whole time thinking everything is one way, and a person is like this, and then in a moment that is all shattered and the truth comes barreling forward with speed and intensity. How are you to react? I mean, they deceived you, there is no way around that. They are a liar, and one that has no excuse or explanation as to their actions. I remember my mother always said that she better never hear anything about her family from anyone else first. I think I've finally gotten to the point when I can fully appreciate why. Nothing can make a person feel as stupid than when a person who is almost a stranger tells you something (a truthful fact, not junky gossip) about someone who you consider to be close, and you are completely blindsided. Especially when it is followed up by, "I'm surprised you didn't know that!" This whole situation is why SO many people have trust issues (me included.) Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on....

And why is it so immensely difficult to be honest about your feelings? My roommate is going through this at the moment. She needs to have a very honest conversation with someone and the thought of this brings anxiety and fear. All these games that people play make it so hard to separate fact from fiction, reality from fantasy, true from false. Why can't people just say, "Yeah, I messed up." Or, "You made me mad." "I like you." "Listen, I gotta tell you something..." Some people, I honestly believe, cannot handle the truth (insert Jack Nicholson joke here). They'd rather operate in some fantasy like state, and constantly run from reality. These said people make it hard for those of us that want to speak truth. Because, when that moment approaches that calls for absolute honesty, and you let it pass, it is so hard to get that moment back again. Then, you are in this torment over what you should have said. Where as, if you would have just said what you felt, at least it would have been out there, off your chest.

And maybe, just maybe, if people were forced to be honest, they might stop doing such stupid things because they knew that they would have to tell the truth about it later. That could be just some mighty wishful thinking though.

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