Friday, February 18, 2011

The Wheels On the Bus..

Bus people are a strange breed.

They are the above-ground dwellers, the no steps takers, the "all the time in the world"ers, the I don't have a long way to go'ers. I'd say a good 50% are elderly, and understandably they are taking the bus. They are usually friendly, happy, chatty. I don't know about you, but I love watching people who were my age in the 60's adjust and adapt to now. The still have this class, and style about them. Especially the couples. He takes her hand and helps her on the bus, he always lets her have the seat if only one is opened, he willingly will give up his seat if someone in greater need, needs it. It's nice to see that still. NOTE TO ALL 20 SOMETHING GUYS: learn how to become a great man. Hold doors open, give up seats, learn how to dance, treat your lady like she is your high school sweet heart-even when you are both old and gray.

Moving on to the next civilization on the bus, making up maybe 30% are people that have some sort of disability. The other 20% are nannies, parents, kids going to school, and the occasional lazy person who just doesn't feel like walking or who is running late (that is the category I fall into:))

Every time I ride the bus I think of The Graduate, when Benjamin and Elaine ride away on a bus, escaping from what they thought they didn't want and initially being so happy, and then coming to the realization of uh-oh, what did we just do? It's almost too painful to watch their smiles dissolve away. Then the sad words of Simon and Garfunkel's, The Sound of Silence, "hello darkness, my old friend".

P.S.-Are you a Simon or a Garfunkel?


  1. does it really save time taking the bus?? it seems like it takes forever! also, those cloth seats give me the creeps... who knows what kind of germs are embedded in those things!

    but there seem to be less homeless people, huh? and i'm with you on liking being around elderly people!

  2. it does take forever most of the time, but the, sometimes, i magically appears right when you need it! And I havent been on a bus with cloth seats, where you been putting your butt at girl?
